- [新闻资讯]微型时钟晶体的替代品KXO-V932024年01月02日 15:23
- An alternative to miniature clock crystals.For several years, GEYER Crystal Oscillator has successfully introduced the KXO-V93T miniature oscillator.With a small size of just 1.6 x 1.2 mm and a height of just 0.6 mm, this SMD oscillator in the frequency range 1-80 MHz is particularly resistant to shock and vibration and has low power consumption.The market is increasingly looking for an alternative clock crystal (32.768 kHz) that is not only superior in design, but most importantly superior to traditional clock crystals in terms of technical parameters.
- 阅读(35)
- 1全球定位系统专用晶振TXEADLSANF-12.288000
- 2TXC微型的无源谐振器7A-27.000MAAJ-T是便携式PC最佳之选
- 3存储区域网络专用晶振CPPFXC7T-A7BR-28.63636TS
- 4爱普生主流的OSC振荡器SG2520EHN,X1G0059210001特别适合用于导航定位
- 5FOXSDLF/0368R-20/TR无线蓝牙模块专用石英晶体
- 6移动通讯设备专用晶振LFXTAL035268REEL
- 7专为基站和外围设备而来的XO晶体振荡器CB3LV-5C-25M0000
- 8小体积的TCXO晶振KT2016K27000BCW18ZAS是京瓷最惊艳的产品?
- 9编码C3292-24.000是一款微型支持HCMOS输出的时钟晶体振荡器
- 10亚陶低抖动水晶时钟振荡器SXF620007专用于无源光网络设备