- [晶振行业]Quantic Wenzel Frequency Synthesizer to Support NASA’s Europa Clipper2024年01月06日 09:41
Quantic Wenzel Crystal, a leader in crystal oscillators, frequency sources, and integrated microwave assemblies has completed delivery of a space-qualified frequency synthesizer assembly for NASA’s Europa Clipper mission. Scheduled to launch next year, the spacecraft will orbit Jupiter to perform a detailed exploration of Europa – a moon that shows evidence for an ocean of liquid water beneath its icy crust and which could host conditions suitable for life.“Our support of the Europa Clipper mission is another exciting step in our work with JPL,” said Jigar Shah, Director of Business Development at Quantic Wenzel. “Wenzel is widely known as a company that RF engineers come to when they need to solve their unique frequency reference and timing challenges for space applications.”
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- [晶振行业]Wenzel Crystal缩小振荡器2019年03月09日 15:47
- WenzelCrystal拥有50年的水晶制造经验,给市场上生产提供了15000个石英晶体振荡器,,专为雷达系统,军用无线而设计,生产的精密晶体振荡器系列经常用于通信,军事和测试设备市场.航空航天工业将精密振荡器用于制导,跟踪和遥测系统,通信工业用于卫星,蜂窝,PCN,基站和VSAT系统,导航工业用于MLS,雷达,GPS和其他制导系统.晶体振荡器广泛应用于商业市场,也广泛应用于频率计数器,频率标准,合成器,相位噪声测试设备和各种其他仪器.
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