- [新闻资讯]About the advantages of ANDERSON ELECTRONICS, LLC2023年10月14日 15:15
- Anderson Electronics has been in business since 1959 as a manufacturer of crystals and crystal oscillators. It is a family owned company and the President (Mr. William Anderson) is the son of the founder. The company occupies 32,000-sq. ft. of space in two buildings and is situated on 10 acres. These buildings are fairly new, the administration, sales, finishing and engineering are in one building (built in 1988), cutting and lapping in the other building (built 1990). We have 3 engineers with 9 to 39 years’ experience in the crystal and oscillator industry and 2 technicians and a total employment of 78 people.
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- [新闻资讯]ANDERSON推出最新AE131晶振遥遥领先于同行2023年10月12日 14:48
特点:频率范围5.50 MHz - 150 MHz AT-strip切割更严格的公差和稳定性。密封陶瓷封装,可靠性高。磁带/卷轴符合EIA 481标准。符合ROHS /无铅应用:这种陶瓷AE131用于计算机,调制解调器,微处理器以及通信和测试设备。
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- [新闻资讯]遥遥领先的创新型奥斯康利OSC晶振有何差异化?2023年10月09日 15:45
遥遥领先的创新型奥斯康利OSC晶振有何差异化?,Oscilent Corporation是一家有着非凡影响力的频率控制设备制造商,致力于以最高水平的客户服务为客户提供低成本,高质量的产品。我们致力于丰富我们的客户和员工,并保持促进个人和职业发展的工作环境。我们认识到,盈利能力与我们以具有竞争力的价格为首要产品服务客户的能力直接相关,同时打磨创新型高质量的OSC晶振产品,以超越用户需求为最大的前提。
In the realm of electronics, precision is paramount. The accuracy of a device's operation often hinges on the stability of its frequency generation.
Nature, like a quartz crystal, is essential in pursuing precision. Modern electronics use a quartz crystal found in nature as a crystal oscillator. This blog post will explain the process of how this happens.
Understanding Quartz and Its Unique Properties Quartz is one of the most abundant minerals found on Earth. It's a semi-precious gemstone composed of silicon dioxide. Quartz crystals come in various types, including rock crystal, amethyst, citrine, rose quartz, smoky quartz, ametrine, jasper, carnelian, and agate. Beyond its aesthetic appeal, quartz has unique properties, making it a cornerstone of electronic devices.
Applying mechanical stress to quartz generates an electric charge, and people call this property piezoelectricity. Crystal oscillators, which many devices use, rely on the special properties of quartz crystals.
The Transformation Process
Turning a piece of raw crystal quartz into a functional crystal oscillator involves several steps. We perform each step meticulously to ensure that the resultant oscillator functions with the highest possible precision.
Cutting and Grinding
Start by cutting and grinding the raw quartz crystal into a thin wafer. Typically, it takes the shape of a rectangle or a tuning fork. The cutting of quartz affects the stability of its frequency due to its crystal lattice. Once cut, the wafer is further ground and lapped to achieve the desired thickness and parallelism.
Mounting and Encasing
After shaping the quartz wafer, we mount it between two electrodes, usually made of metal. These electrodes are essential for applying the voltage that will cause the quartz to vibrate. The quartz and electrode assembly is protected from temperature and humidity to maintain frequency stability.
Testing and Adjustment
The encased quartz crystal is now a basic crystal oscillator. However, engineers must test it for precision before using it in an electronic device. If the oscillator's frequency is off, we may need to adjust the thickness of the quartz wafer slightly. This testing and adjustment process continues until the oscillator operates at the desired frequency with an acceptable level of stability.
The Role of Quartz Oscillators in Electronics
Quartz crystal oscillators have become indispensable in the world of electronics. When electricity powers the quartz crystal, it vibrates at its special frequency, generating a signal with an exact frequency. This signal stabilizes clock signals in digital circuits, stabilizes frequencies in radios, and keeps time in wristwatches.
Quartz oscillators are everywhere, so you're probably always close to one, within a few feet, at any time. They exist in everything from cell phones and computers to car engines and satellite systems.
In Conclusion
From raw quartz crystal to electronic components, the journey combines nature and technology in a captivating way. It's a testament to human ingenuity that we've found ways to harness the unique properties of quartz for our purposes.
We provide high-quality quartz crystal oscillators for different purposes . We are excited to be a part of this journey.
The accuracy of our products depends on the quality of the quartz crystal we use. It also depends on how carefully we make them. You can learn more about our commitment to quality and the role of quartz in our products here.
When you use your phone or drive your car, think about the small piece of quartz. This small piece of quartz helps these devices work accurately. From raw quartz crystal to an indispensable part of modern electronics, it's truly a transformation journey.
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- [新闻资讯]领先全球的HELE Crystal告诉你晶体振荡器背后的艺术和科学2023年09月28日 09:16
- 在电子世界中,有一个安静但关键的组件可以确保各种设备的顺利运行,这个英雄就是晶体振荡器.今天,我们Harmony Electronics,一个领先全球的晶体振荡器和谐振器的制造商,提供具有宽工作温度范围的晶体振荡器和谐振器产品,并专注于小型化趋势,将带你在这些重要的电子元件背后的迷人旅程.
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- [晶振行业]遥遥领先的Renesas Electronics关于低压电机的驱动解决方案2023年09月23日 11:54
- 在各个层面上,电动机已经改变了世界,并将继续改变这个世界.从家庭中随处可见的小型电机到重型工业电机,随着对环境和经济方面的能源成本意识的提高,需要在电机驱动系统中实现更高的效率,并降低运行和生产成本.瑞萨的低压电机驱动解决方案由于其安全性,更小的外形尺寸,优化的成本以及与其他电子电路共享的统一DC链路总线,满足了消费电子产品的关键要求,并带来了一系列好处.
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- [晶振行业]遥遥领先的Skyworks Electronics产品对不同领域的影响2023年09月21日 13:57
- Skyworks Electronics在连接的最前沿进行创新,让我们的生活更轻松,更安全,更高效.凭借解决最复杂的连接挑战的传统以及我们扩展的电源管理和控制产品组合,Skyworks在解决当今电动和混合动力汽车,工业电机控制,电源,5G无线基础设施,数据中心和智能家居大趋势中的所有复杂设计方面具有独特的优势.
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- [新闻资讯]领先全球的Skyworks Electronics告诉你关于5G扩展到蜂窝之外你需要知道什么2023年09月19日 17:07
- 5G将改变我们的世界,创造一个每个人在任何时候都与任何东西相连的生态系统,并改变我们的生活,工作,娱乐和学习方式.Skyworks处于5G变革的最前沿.利用公司的技术领先地位,广泛的系统专业知识和运营规模,我们正在创建能够发挥5G真正潜力的解决方案.一个全新的,难以想象的应用世界.从我们突破性的SKY5统一平台到我们的5G小蜂窝和多输入多输出(MIMO)技术,Skyworks跨基础设施和用户设备的全面方法促进了强大,高速的端到端5G连接.
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- [新闻资讯]遥遥领先的Renesas Crystal提供可靠且即用型的千兆工业以太网解决方案2023年09月19日 16:23
- <trans oldtip="Industrial Ethernet and time-sensitive networks (TSNs) are on the rise. They are very common in the industrial communication domain utilizing protocols like EtherCAT or PROFINET. In the past, these systems were running at 10Mbps or 100Mbps; however, the hunger for more speed was inevitable. New systems need to be capable of 1Gbps to further decrease latency and increase the amount of data transferred per second by a factor of 10 simultaneously. This can be achieved using our latest " newtip="工业以太网和时间敏感网络(tsn)正在兴起。它们在使用EtherCAT或PROFINET等协议的工业通信领域非常常见。在过去,这些系统运行在10Mbps或100Mbps然而,对更快速度的渴望是不可避免的。新系统需要能够支持1Gbps,以进一步减少延迟,同时将每秒传输的数据量提高10倍。这可以通过使用我们最新的" style=" box-sizing: border-box; outline-color: inherit; outline-offset: 2px;">工业以太网和时间敏感网络(tsn)正在兴起,它们在使用EtherCAT或PROFINET等协议的工业通信领域非常常见.在过去,这些系统运行在10Mbps或100Mbps,然而对更快速度的渴望是不可避免的,新系统需要能够支持1Gbps,以进一步减少延迟,同时将每秒传输的数据量提高10倍,这可以通过使用Renesas晶振公司最新的trans>RZ/N2L MPU.
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- [新闻资讯]About Wintron2023年09月09日 09:47
- Wintron is a world leader in the designing, manufacturing and marketing of Frequency Control Devices (Crystal unit,SPXO,VCXO,VCSO,TCXO,OCXO,VCO,MCF,DRO),Microwave Components (Low noise amplifier,High power amplifier,MMIC,PLL, Synthesizer), and custom technical solutions.
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- [晶振行业]Core Electronics2023年08月28日 16:42
- Core Electronics是一家受人尊敬的晶体,振荡器和谐振器制造商,在频率控制产品方面拥有超过40年的经验.Core Electronics已经扩大了它的产品基础,因为我们现在是电子元件的特许经销商.我们专注于无源,光电,半导体和机电元件,如:电容器,连接器,LED,电感器,铁氧体珠,电位器,继电器,开关等!无论是通过越来越多的经销商销售我们自己的产品,还是营销别人的产品,以专业的关怀,知识,非凡的礼貌和对细节的无与伦比的关注来满足客户的需求将永远是CORE ELECTRONICS的使命.
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- [新闻资讯]麦特伦皮MtronPTI2023年08月28日 13:40
- MtronPTI designs, manufactures and markets highly engineered electronics components and assemblies used to control the frequency or timing of electronic signals. These devices are used extensively in internet infrastructure, military, avionics, satellites, medical devices, instrumentation, industrial process control and navigation applications. The company has operations in Orlando, FL, Yankton, SD, and Noida, India. MtronPTI also has sales offices in Hong Kong.
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- [新闻资讯]Greenray Industries2023年08月17日 17:21
Greenray Industries是一家领先的精密晶体振荡器,贴片晶振,有源晶振,石英晶体振荡器制造商.几十年来公司所生产的晶振,石英晶体,贴片晶体等产品的设计,测试,包装都是经过一系列严格要求规范操作,是在我们位于宾夕法尼亚州机械堡的工厂中通过严格的管理以及严谨的态度进行操作的.我们所生产的有源晶振,贴片晶振,温补振荡器都是符合ITAR标准的,我们的质量管理体系通过了ISO 9001:2015 + AS9100D标准认证.
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- [晶振行业]Q-TECH CORPORATION2023年08月16日 17:50
- Q-Tech公司成立于1972年,总部位于加利福尼亚州赛普拉斯,Q-Tech<trans oldtip=" applications." newtip="应用程序。" style="box-sizing: border-box;">生产的产品包括XO, TCXO, VCXO, OCXO, SAW, MCXO,高温和高冲击振荡器,是低相位噪声OCXO, TCXO和SAW晶体振荡器的领导者.Q-Techtrans>目标是为要求苛刻的公司提供最先进的晶体时钟振荡器和频率控制解决方案.Q-Tech公司建立在这样的理念之上,即基于领先振荡器技术制造的产品,致力于质量、准时交货和客户服务,将为我们的客户及其需求带来巨大的利益.
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- [晶振行业]Harmony Electronics Corp2023年08月16日 15:46
- Harmony Electronics Corp (H.ELE.) 成立于1976年,是频率元件的专业制造商,目前所提供之石英晶体(水晶),晶体振荡器(振荡器)之生产及销售规模居全台领先地位.借由与日本DAISHINKU(KDS)株式会社的合作,引进日本精密制程,产品设计技术及讲究的品质管理工法,进而累积扎实的研发能力.我们拥有广泛的产品规格及客制化服务,应用范围涵盖日常消费产品(如:网路与通讯产品,智慧家庭和个人电脑),高阶工业产品和车用电子.
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- [技术支持]Seiko Instruments Inc.2023年08月11日 17:05
- SEIKO是日本晶振制造商Seiko Instruments Inc.的缩写,也称为SII.Seiko Instruments Inc.拥有世界上顶端的机械技术,除了是世界上著名的石英手表厂商,同时也生产电脑打印机,做电子元器件,在石英振子这一方面,SEIKO也是做的非常之出色的.SEIKO生产的石英晶振型号并不是很多,但是质量绝对可以和日产任何一个大品牌“媲美”.SEIKO生产的晶振常用频率都是32.768KHZ的,因此它通常也被称为精工表晶.
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- [技术支持]美国拉隆3225mm贴片石英一物多用RH100A-12.000-10-2020-EXT-TR2023年06月29日 17:46
- <trans oldtip="SMD quartz of the “SMD03025/4” series in the 3.2 x 2.5 mm/4" newtip="3.2 x 2.5毫米/4英寸的“SMD03025/4”系列贴片石英" style=" text-align: justify; word-spacing: -1.5px; background-image: initial; background-position: initial; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; border: 0px; outline: 0px; padding: 0px; vertical-align: baseline; overflow-wrap: break-word; transition: color 0.5s linear 0s;">RH100系列的SMD石英在3.2 x 2.5 mm四脚外壳中是最便宜和最可变的MINI SMD石英晶体,具有出色的可靠性.trans><trans oldtip="-pad ceramic casing is the least inexpensive and most variable MINI SMD quartz with outstanding reliability. The MINI SMD quartz is now available with the frequency range of 7.9 – 74.250 MHz (AT fundamental cut) and can come with a frequency tolerance at 25°C starting at ±10 ppm with a temperature stability starting at ±10ppm@-20/+70°C or ±15ppm@-40/+85°C. Above the temperature range of -40/+105°C, the best possible temperature range is ±40ppm or ±50ppm above the temperature range of -40/+125°C. Deterioration is in the range of ±2ppm after the first year and ±10ppm after 10 years. For KNX applications, versions with an overall tolerance of ±25ppm are also available. Naturally, there are " newtip="-pad陶瓷外壳是最便宜、变化最大的迷你SMD石英,具有出色的可靠性。MINI SMD quartz现已上市,频率范围为7.9–74.250 MHz(基波截点),频率容差为25°C,起始温度为10 ppm,温度稳定性起始温度为10 ppm @-20/+70°C或15 ppm @-40/+85°C。在-40/+105°C温度范围以上,最佳温度范围为-40/+125°C温度范围以上40ppm或50ppm。退化发生在对于KNX应用,也提供总公差为25ppm的版本。自然有" style=" text-align: justify; word-spacing: -1.5px;">频率范围为10–65 MHz(基波截点),频率容差为25°C,从±10ppm开始,温度稳定性从±10ppm@-20/+70°C或±15ppm@-40/+85°C开始,trans><trans oldtip="-pad ceramic casing is the least inexpensive and most variable MINI SMD quartz with outstanding reliability. The MINI SMD quartz is now available with the frequency range of 7.9 – 74.250 MHz (AT fundamental cut) and can come with a frequency tolerance at 25°C starting at ±10 ppm with a temperature stability starting at ±10ppm@-20/+70°C or ±15ppm@-40/+85°C. Above the temperature range of -40/+105°C, the best possible temperature range is ±40ppm or ±50ppm above the temperature range of -40/+125°C. Deterioration is in the range of ±2ppm after the first year and ±10ppm after 10 years. For KNX applications, versions with an overall tolerance of ±25ppm are also available. Naturally, there are " newtip="-pad陶瓷外壳是最便宜、变化最大的迷你SMD石英,具有出色的可靠性。MINI SMD quartz现已上市,频率范围为7.9–74.250 MHz(基波截点),频率容差为25°C,起始温度为10 ppm,温度稳定性起始温度为10 ppm @-20/+70°C或15 ppm @-40/+85°C。在-40/+105°C温度范围以上,最佳温度范围为-40/+125°C温度范围以上40ppm或50ppm。退化发生在对于KNX应用,也提供总公差为25ppm的版本。自然有" style=" text-align: justify; word-spacing: -1.5px;">在-40/+105°C温度范围以上,最佳温度范围为-40/+125°C温度范围以上30ppm或50ppm.trans>
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- [晶振行业]更小和更高的频率稳定性是6G无线应用晶振的趋势1ZZNAE26000AB0J2023年06月28日 17:39
- <trans oldtip="The size and frequency stability of clocking pruducts influence the dimensions and power consumption of an end device. The developers of battery-operated products in particular require precise and compact frequency generators – an overview of the current state of technology in the oscillating quartz market." newtip="时钟产品的尺寸和频率稳定性会影响终端设备的尺寸和功耗。电池供电产品的开发人员尤其需要精确而紧凑的频率发生器——这是振荡石英市场技术现状的概述。">时钟产品的尺寸和频率稳定性会影响终端设备的尺寸和功耗,6G无线应用的开发人员尤其需要精确而紧凑的频率发生器——这是振荡石英市场技术现状的概述.trans><trans oldtip="Quartz crystals" newtip="石英晶体" style=" background-image: initial; background-position: initial; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; border: 0px; margin: 0px; outline: 0px; padding: 0px; vertical-align: baseline; overflow-wrap: break-word; transition: color 0.5s linear 0s;">石英晶体trans><trans oldtip=" (or just quartz) was developed into practicable quartz for use in radio engineering at the start of the 1920s. Today, we simply can’t do without quartz in our modern, technological lives. Over recent years, there has been a significant transition from large THT (Through-Hole-Technology) and SMD quartz (Surface Mounted Device) in metal housings for miniaturised SMD quartz in ceramic housings. The need for higher-frequency oscillating quartz in smaller housings has been a big driver for this trend. Thanks to technological advances and several innovations in production, it became possible to significantly reduce the structural size of the oscillating quartz without cutbacks on performance or increased costs." newtip="(或仅仅是石英)在20世纪20年代初发展成为无线电工程中使用的实用石英。今天,我们在现代科技生活中已经离不开石英了。近年来,从金属外壳中的大型THT(通孔技术)和SMD石英(表面贴装器件)到陶瓷外壳中的小型化SMD石英,出现了重大转变。对更小外壳中更高频率振荡石英的需求是这一趋势的一大驱动力。由于技术进步和生产中的几项创新,在不降低性能或增加成本的情况下,大幅缩小振荡石英的结构尺寸成为可能。">(或仅仅是石英)在20世纪20年代初发展成为无线电工程中使用的实用石英.今天,我们在现代科技生活中已经离不开石英了.近年来,从金属外壳中的大型THT(通孔技术)和SMD石英(表面贴装器件)到陶瓷外壳中的小型化SMD石英,出现了重大转变.trans>
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- [新闻资讯]SMD晶振ECS-260-8-47B2-JTN-TR非常适合移动设备应用2023年06月03日 14:09
trast="auto" style="font-size: medium; font-family: arial, sans-serif;">ECS微型ECX-1247B2晶振是一款紧凑型表面贴装晶体,小体积采用1.6x1.2x0.3mm封装,四脚贴片晶振,石英晶振,无源晶振,石英晶体谐振器ECX-1247B2在25°C±3°C温度下的第一年老化率为2ppm,严格容差为10ppm。有许多温度范围可供选择,包括-40°C ~ 85°C的标准工业温度范围。该器件非常适合移动设备、工业、无线、物联网和可穿戴应用。 SMD晶振ECS-260-8-47B2-JTN-TR非常适合移动设备应用
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- [新闻资讯]可穿戴设备专用晶振CM8V-T1A0.332.768kHz12.5pF±20ppmTAQC2023年05月25日 18:27
- 瑞士Microcrystal微晶推出新产品<trans oldtip="CM8V-T1A 0.3" newtip="CM8V-T1A 0.3" style=" word-spacing: -1.5px; box-sizing: border-box;">CM8V-T1A 0.3,小体积晶振尺寸2.0x1.2x0.35trans><trans oldtip="CM8V-T1A 0.3" newtip="CM8V-T1A 0.3" style=" word-spacing: -1.5px; box-sizing: border-box;">mm两脚贴片晶振,32.768K贴片晶振,无源晶振,石英晶体谐振器,石英贴片晶振,无铅环保晶振,trans><trans oldtip=" is a low frequency SMT Quartz Crystal Unit that incorporates a tuning fork Quartz Crystal Resonator. It operates under vacuum in a hermetically sealed ceramic package with metal lid." newtip="是一个低频SMT石英晶体单元,包含一个音叉石英晶体谐振器。它在带金属盖的密封陶瓷封装中的真空下工作。" style=" word-spacing: -1.5px; box-sizing: border-box; font-family: SourceSansPro, sans-serif; font-size: 18px; letter-spacing: 0.8px;">是一个低频SMT石英晶体单元,包含一个音叉石英晶体谐振器。它在带金属盖的密封陶瓷封装中的真空下工作。小体积石英晶体具有超小型,轻薄型,耐振、耐冲击等优良的耐环境特性,满足无铅焊接的高温回流温度曲线要求,trans><trans oldtip="100% Pb-free, RoHS-compliant" newtip="100%无铅,符合RoHS标准" style=" letter-spacing: 1px; word-spacing: -1px; font-family: SourceSansPro, sans-serif; font-size: 18px; box-sizing: border-box;">100%无铅,符合RoHS标准trans>。应用于:智能卡,物联网,可穿戴设备,便携式设备,卫生保健,测量,产业用,超小型设备等应用。可穿戴设备专用晶振CM8V-T1A0.332.768kHz12.5pF±20ppmTAQC
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- [技术支持]拉隆SMD时钟振荡器适合于5G无线模块CO4305-20.000-T-TR2023年05月18日 18:57
- 拉隆SMD时钟振荡器适合于5G无线模块CO4305-20.000-T-TR,Raltron晶振公司用心打造高品质高性能的晶振产品,同时为了满足快速增长的市场需求,开始不断调整与迭代自身的产品,作为一个定位为用户提供完美解决方案的供应商,致力于将优质的进口石英晶振产品贡献于每一位用户,并确保所生产出来的产品具备高品质低损耗的特点,随着行业的加速发展,拉隆公司也迎来更大的挑战,在历经数月之后,破解之谜为广泛应用开发一系列产品线。
- 阅读(55)
- 1全球定位系统专用晶振TXEADLSANF-12.288000
- 2TXC微型的无源谐振器7A-27.000MAAJ-T是便携式PC最佳之选
- 3存储区域网络专用晶振CPPFXC7T-A7BR-28.63636TS
- 4爱普生主流的OSC振荡器SG2520EHN,X1G0059210001特别适合用于导航定位
- 5FOXSDLF/0368R-20/TR无线蓝牙模块专用石英晶体
- 6移动通讯设备专用晶振LFXTAL035268REEL
- 7专为基站和外围设备而来的XO晶体振荡器CB3LV-5C-25M0000
- 8小体积的TCXO晶振KT2016K27000BCW18ZAS是京瓷最惊艳的产品?
- 9编码C3292-24.000是一款微型支持HCMOS输出的时钟晶体振荡器
- 10亚陶低抖动水晶时钟振荡器SXF620007专用于无源光网络设备